Friday, February 6, 2009

Teaming UP With God- ROCKS

As you may or may not notice, I have been on a weight loss journey since the beginning of the year, 2009! This time I decided to team up with none other than GOD himself! I have tried everything short of surgery and I have had short term success, but never long term... this time I am DETERMINED to make it work and with God on my side, how in the heck can I fail : )

One of the things that is really helping me, is remembering that my body is not my own - it, along with everything I have, belongs completely to God! So God has given me this body to barrow while I live on earth (can't wait to see what my body looks like in heaven.. just kidding..). Anyway, I realize that we only get one body and I have let my body slide for WAY TOO LONG!!! I am 30 now, and in the last 6.5 years, I had gained 80 pounds.

So starting with 2009 I decided to get my head out of the forest and get back on track for good!! But this time I was going to rely on God as my number one team mate. He has been helping me every step of the way!! Thank you Lord!!!

I have a huge testimony to give today - today was the end of week five for me, and guess what, I am doing is diet, exercise and GOD'S help!! I have lost a total of 10 pounds and 14 inches over all!! Amazing huh, I thought so.

Keep up the great work GOD, I know I'm not always the easiest person to get along with, but bare with me, only 90 pounds to go : ) Love Megan!

1 comment:

  1. Hello there, would you like to crochet a blanket for the homeless? We have 60 people sleeping on sidewalks and only 3 blankets to keep them warm. Please visit our blog to find out how you can make a difference, we need all the support we can get. Thank you!!

    -Needles for the Needy-

    With Love, Charlene from 'Bring On the Rain' and Martha from 'Fly Away Birdie'
