Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Today's Devotional - I shall not want.

Wow - this is right up my alley. I know that I struggle with this, and I always have. I'm not sure why I have always been consumed by all the things I don't have! Well, about two years ago now, 1/7/07 - I started getting back on God's track. I had always knew there was something missing from my life and I felt God calling me back.

I was away from God for a good 10 years. Now, when I say away, I mean that I wasn't following his ways on a regular basis - I have always believed and I have always known that Jesus is my savior! I gave my heart to God when I was 13 years old and my Grandma prayed the Salvation prayer with me. I have always believed God was there, but while I was far away, I would only turn to him when I truly needed him. And when he wouldn't respond, I started to think that praying is a joke, ya right it works. Oh it works all right - when you know HOW to pray and what to pray for. Very important to remember "Prayers are NOT wishes!". Hard to grasp I know, but when we pray for selfish reasons, reasons that only consume us, God says, nope, sorry. Go back and try again - we can try 1,000 times until you get it right - and you know what, when you get it right it is amazing! Wow!

Like I mentioned, I have been back following God now and working on changing my worldly heart now for about 2 years and you know what, these two years have been LIFE CHANGING!! I am so excited and still so on fire!!! I still have so much to learn and to clean up in my life - but you want to know what, God loves me no matter what - he loves me just the way I am and he is going to help me with cleaning up my life as long as I continue to seek him, trust him and OBEY him!! It's hard a lot of the time, and I feel convicted often - but you know what, I love it, because I know that's GOD speaking to my heart and he is revealing what I need to change in my life!

OK, so this brings me to the devotional today - I shall not want. This is something that God is working on in me as we speak! I have always had the attitude that what I have isn't enough, instead of being grateful for what he has blessed me with. Especially when I look at others and see what they have and how they live their life - you know that whole comparing thing that we are NOT suppose to do!! Ya, I struggle with that. But I am changing that. God is working in me like you wouldn't believe and he is strengthening my faith and he is opening my eyes to all the beautiful and wonderful things that he has blessed me with. And I AM THANKFUL - God THANK YOU!!! I won't say that it's easy and that I am healed, not yet anyway :) but it's coming along. I am working on loving what I have and being thankful for them - not that we can't want better things for ourselves and our families, but our heart needs to be in the right place. We need to remember to ALWAYS put GOD first in our lives and when we do that he will bless us back! Remember, even though it's hard, sometimes the troubled times in our lives are our blessings - pray and seek God and ask him what you are to see through this.

There is a positive in all negatives. So, if you think about it, there really aren't negatives - ask GOD to reveal this to you and he will!

As I end this really long post - I want to close in a Prayer - God, please speak to my heart today Lord. As I go through the day God, please reveal to me the positives out of the negative Lord. I don't want to want what I don't God and I ask you to help me with that control God - with you I know ALL things are possible and that as long as I put my full FAITH and TRUST in you lord God - Thy will be done. Lord I pray this in your son Jesus' powerful name - amen.

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