Friday, January 16, 2009

Don't lose hope....

This goes in line with the daily devotional on my page. Today's is pretty simple, but oh so great!
No matter WHAT, no matter the struggles, the blessings, the illnesses, NO MATTER WHAT, it is part of GOD'S plan for you!! Isn't that cool??

When you think about it, it's pretty neat that he took all that time to plan out each minute of our days, of our lives. I mean everything happens to us for a reason, and they are God's reasons. Wouldn't it be cool to pray to God, and ask about revealing his path for out life - Ask to follow his plan. It lightens any mood when you realize and acknowledge that God is in the Driver Seat and he has control. It's just neat when we can really come to grips with that and watch life happen as it unfolds.

Don't misunderstand me, God wants us to follow him and make the right choices. But once I came to an understanding over this, it makes my struggles a whole lot easier to deal with - I just give them over to God.

I hope this is making sense - sometimes when you are trying to say something so simple, it doesn't come out that way. God please know my heart on this. Thank you for loving me - Love, one of your people who is so undeserving.

1 comment:

  1. Wonderful post. It's a change of life whenever we allow God full control and to sit in the driver's seat! Too many people have him in the trunk which they only open for emergencies :/

    I made my blog private because my ex husband was trying to use it's contents against me in court. I'd like to invite you to be a reader and if you email me at, I can add you on the list!

    Keep writing these great posts!!
